11/5/24 “God’s Sovereignty Over the Nations” (Jer. 48-49)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

Following yesterday’s text, we see that Jeremiah continues to declare God’s word of judgment over the nations. In chapters 46-47 we saw God’s coming judgment upon Egypt and Philistia. Now, the focus is turned to many other of Israel’s neighbors: Moab, Ammon, Edom, Syria, the peoples of Kedar and Hazor, and Elam.

We’re reminded as we look through the pages of Scripture, again and again, how God is sovereign over the nations. He brings up those whom He will, and He puts down those whom He will. He raised up Babylon to bring about judgment upon His people, causing them to be the most powerful nation on the planet, and where are they today? There is no modern Babylon. Babylon was conquered and they were cast aside, just as so many of Israel’s other neighbors who stood outside of covenant with God.

Isaiah 40:15 describes the nations as a “drop in the bucket” or as “dust on the scales” compared to the greatness of our God. He is God alone. He alone rules over the nations. To those who try and rebel against His rule and the rule of His anointed, He sits in heaven and laughs (Ps. 2:4).

As we are in a tumultuous time with so many thoughts on the coming election, take heart that God is in control. He moves things behind the scenes in ways we can’t see. Our hope can’t be in Washington but must be in heaven.

Nevertheless, as a Christian, today you should go vote. God’s sovereignty and man’s responsibility are doctrines that are held together in Scripture. I fully believe that God is sovereign over the day of my death, but I still look both ways before crossing traffic. I fully believe that God is sovereign, not just over ancient middle eastern peoples and nations, but over the United States and all the nations in the world today. But today I am still going to vote, I hope you do too, and I hope more than this that we will see God exalted in our land in the future once again.

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