10/30/24 “Responding to God’s Word” (Jer. 35-36)

Reading Time: 2 minutes

In Jeremiah 36, we’re introduced again to a guy by the name of Jehoiakim. He was one of the last kings (third from last) of Judah leading up to the destruction by Nebuchadnezzar. In this chapter, we see Jeremiah the prophet commanded to write a letter summing up his entire message to the house of Judah. We’ve seen in previous weeks that the message was, in simple terms, the surety of God’s coming judgment upon Judah through Babylon if they refused to turn from their sin and come back to true worship of Yahweh.

This was a hard message to deliver, surely, but it’s also a hard message to hear. No one likes to be called out for their sin, no one likes to hear a message of judgment, but how we respond is very important. Jehoiakim didn’t have any concern for the message, instead as it was being read, they cut it up in pieces and burned it, even though his officials admonished him not too! (36:23-25).

I wonder how many supposed believers effectively do this with God’s Word today. I’ve found that many people will do intellectual gymnastics with Scripture in order to try and justify their blatant sin or their temptations and sinful propensities. Recently, I’ve found a “Christian” teacher who is advocating online that polygamy is not only okay, but good! In a YouTube video, he basically shared that a man’s desire for sex with every woman in the room is a God-given thing that’s good for a number of reasons. What a wild thought! It’s not a desire of the flesh that is to be suppressed or crucified. He claims it’s actually not wrong at all, it’s God-given and good! Likewise, you can find many people who maybe once believed that same-sex relationships were wrong, but when they find themselves with same-sex desires they reinterpret the Bible to fit their mold. In effect, people can reframe what Scripture says so that their sin isn’t sinful, so they don’t have to feel bad about it. This happens in countless areas, I’m sure. These are just some I’ve seen recently.

In effect, they’ve taken the letter with God’s message and burned it. They’ve taken the parts of Scripture that confront their sin, they’ve calloused their hearts to it and essentially cut it out of their Bibles whether or not they literally cut it out. One mark of a healthy Christian, I believe, is that we feel sorrow for sin, and we are thankful for conviction when it comes. If we read the Bible or hear a message in church that convicts us, we don’t try and convince ourselves that we’re really doing right in our sin, we confess our sins, repent of them, and by the grace of God strive to live differently.

We know none of us will be perfect, but what will keep us healthy as believers is an uncalloused heart, sensitive to the conviction of God’s Holy Spirit. Please don’t stuff the feelings of conviction and burn the letter. Instead, “Keep your heart with all vigilance, for from it flow the springs of life” (Pro. 4:23).

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