Author: Josiah Ott
1/22/25 Bible Thought: The Essence of Forgiveness (Matt. 18)
Reading Time: 3 minutes”If God has been so gracious to you, could you really withhold grace from others?”
1/21/25 Bible Thought: A Preview of Glory (Matt. 17)
Reading Time: 3 minutes”This humble Jewish rabbi was truly much more than a good moral teacher. He is divine. He was pre-existent in glory and to glory He returned.”
1/20/25 Bible Thought: Uncomfortable Discipleship (Matt. 16)
Reading Time: 3 minutesWhile salvation is a free gift of God’s grace, the life of discipleship is costly and any who would follow after the Lord Jesus must deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him.
1/17/25 Bible Thought: A Heart Check-Up (Matt. 15)
Reading Time: 3 minutes Instead, anything we do on the outside should spring from a redeemed and new heart that delights to do God’s will on the inside. It should spring from a desire to glorify God in all we do and to walk in a manner that is pleasing to Him. Truly, a heart…
1/16/25 Bible Thought: A Step of Faith (Matt. 14)
Reading Time: 3 minutesMatthew’s Gospel shares miracle after miracle after miracle. In chapter 14 alone, Jesus heals the sick, multiplies food to feed thousands of people, and then performs another miracle over nature itself. After He sends the disciples on ahead across the Sea of Galilee, while He dismisses the crowds, He comes walking to…
1/15/25 Bible Thought: Truths of the Kingdom (Matt. 13)
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe Gospel of Matthew continually presents pictures of those who “get it” and follow Jesus and those who don’t, who reject Him. In Matthew 13, Jesus shares a number of parables that reinforce these points that Matthew has already been documenting. The parables effectively break people into two categories: those in the…
1/14/25 Bible Thought: The King Among Us (Matt. 12)
Reading Time: 3 minutesThroughout the Gospels we find many accounts of the Lord Jesus interacting with the Pharisees. These legalistic Jews were very righteous outwardly, but their righteousness didn’t spring from the heart. Furthermore, they were so concerned with the letter of the law that they frequently missed the spirit of the law. This comes…
1/13/25 Bible Thought: New Covenant Blessings (Matt. 11)
Reading Time: 3 minutesOne of the things I think we don’t dwell on enough as believers is the blessedness of living on this side of the cross. With the progress of revelation throughout the Old Testament until the New, climaxing in the death and resurrection of Christ, we get the privilege of knowing the full…
1/10/25 Bible Thought: The One to Fear
Reading Time: 3 minutesAfter Jesus’ commissioning at His baptism and His initial work in ministry there comes a time for Him to send out His disciples. They’re given authority over unclean spirits and told to more or less do the works that Jesus has been doing (10:1). They are to proclaim to the people of…
1/9/25 Bible Thought: The Physician of the Heart (Matt. 9)
Reading Time: 3 minutesIn the midst of countless miraculous signs and wonders of physical healing, the Lord Jesus presents how He’s not only a physician for the outward, but the inward. Sure, He can heal a sick body, but He can do something far greater than that. We first see this in chapter nine with…