Tag: God-pleasing life
12/20/24 “A Simple Summary of God’s Law” (Mic. 1-7)
Reading Time: 3 minutesMicah is a contemporary of the prophet Isaiah whose prophetic ministry comes shortly after those of Hosea and Amos. He prophesies concerning both Samaria (Israel) and Jerusalem (Judah) (Mic. 1:1) and pronounces words of judgment upon them. Judah would surely go to Babylon (4:10) and Assyria would come into Israel’s land (5:5).…
12/16/24 “Privilege Creates Responsibility” (Amos 1-3)
Reading Time: 3 minutesAs we turn the page to Amos’s prophecy, we see from the introduction that he’s largely a contemporary of the prophet Hosea who prophesied during the days of King Uzziah in Judah and King Jeroboam II of Israel (1:1). This means that he was one of those who served during the time…
12/13/24 “Living Independently from God” (Hos. 8-12)
Reading Time: 2 minutesAfter beginning with the marriage illustration for Israel’s rejection of God, Hosea brings God’s words directly with massive condemnations of their sins. One of the problems in Israel was that they claimed to know God, when at the same time they, “spurned the good” (Hos. 8:2-3). Everything about their lives denounced God,…