Tag: mercy
12/26/24 “A God of Justice & Grace” (Zech. 7-10)
Reading Time: 3 minutesZechariah 7-10 presents a picture of a future hope for Judah and especially Jerusalem after the Lord’s judgment on them for their sins. They had been taken captive by Babylon, not because of Babylon’s military might, but because of God’s sovereign purpose. He was disciplining His people for their sins. God, as…
12/21/24 “The Unrelenting Justice of God” (Nah. 1-3)
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe prophet Nahum’s ministry occurred somewhere approximately 50-100 years after the fall of Israel in 722 B.C.[1] and his address is, like Jonah, to the city of Nineveh. By Nahum’s time, Nineveh had become the capital of the Assyrian empire, and the nation had conquered Israel. In Jonah’s day, Nineveh repented of…
12/19/24 “Unfathomable Mercy” (Jonah 1-4)
Reading Time: 3 minutesThe short book of Jonah tells the story of God’s merciful dealings with a disobedient prophet and the horrid city of Nineveh. Nineveh was a city found within Assyria, the nation that would eventually destroy Israel and take them captive. Jonah, a prophet we know very little about, is commanded to go…
11/30/24 “The Lord’s Glory Returns” (Ez. 41-43)
Reading Time: 2 minutesIn yesterday’s text, we saw the plans for the future temple which continue in chapters 41 and 42. Then, in chapter 43 there comes a wonderful promise that the Lord’s glory would return! His glory left the temple through the east gate back in chapter 10 and now in chapter 43 we…
11/4/24 “The Sword of the Lord” (Jer. 45-47)
Reading Time: 2 minutesFrequently we find that Jeremiah’s ministry is devoted to sharing tough messages of judgment. We saw his warning against fleeing to Egypt in chapter 42, his warnings against idolatry in chapter 44 and today in chapters 46 and 47 we see pronouncements of coming judgment upon the nations which will continue into…